Invasive plants reduce biodiversity and pose a significant threat to agricultural crops, wildlife habitat, water quality and native plant ecosystems.
The OXA Blog
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Plants for Slope Retention
A cost-effective, low-maintenance and eco-friendly solution to retain your slope is to look at Mother Nature
Help our Pollinators
How can we keep vital pollinators thriving with your plant choices in the spring and fall?
Conserve Water with Xeriscape
Consider allocating a portion of your garden to native Okanagan plants which thrive in our semi-arid valley.
Prune Shrubs Properly
Basic pruning requires little more than the removal of dead, damaged, or diseased wood to maintain the health of the plant.
Planting in the right spot
There are no absolutes in gardening. What I consider in some situations to be ‘garden thugs’ are ‘landscape heroes’ under other conditions.